Thursday, June 18, 2009

mini update

today was horrible rainy weather [well, horrible by my standards of summer weather] but one good thing that came of it was that i got to walk in mud! we have moss instead of grass, which is so amazingly soft and comfortable to walk on. seriously, its a pleasure to walk on it. i had to wipe most of the mud off when i came in [can't leave muddy footprints on the white floors] but some of it stayed, so now ive got awesome brown soles today! ive got exciting plans for the getting my feet tattooed! im getting a banner on the right that says "walk softly" and a banner on the left that says "live freely". im very nervous about the pain, but maybe since my feet are used to feeling the ground theyll be more used to being touched and it wont hurt so bad! ill post photos saturday night!

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